Class Videos

Here is a collection of sample videos that may be helpful as your family participates in the Serenade parent-child music class program. Your child (and you!) may find it helpful to watch the videos to learn some of the songs and movements that we will use during class. When viewing these videos, you will observe that children vary in their degree of participation in class – some children actively sing and move while others prefer to observe. The teacher and staff will support your child at whatever their level of class participation and help them to increase their participation over the course of the music program. We know that all children are unique and will vary in the time it takes for them to get used to being in class. We encourage parents to actively participate in class, supporting their child’s participation at a comfortable level and also practicing the musical goals and strategies at home. (click the play button to play a video)

1. Introduction

We use many types of behavioral supports in the Serenade parent-child music class. One example of such a support is a visual schedule, which helps your child know the order of activities during music class. At the start of each video in this series, you will see the visual icon that represents that song or activity.

2. Clean up Song

At the start of music class each week, children have a few minutes to play with toys and get used to the room while the class teacher and parents have a group discussion about the class theme and goals. At the end of the discussion, we sing the Clean Up Song while everyone cleans up the toys.

3. Hello Song

We start our music making by singing the Hello Song to the children, families, teacher, and staff at music class. As children become more familiar with the song and the class, the teacher will prompt different social behaviors such as eye contact, waving, or smiling at others. You can also observe another behavioral support in this video: children all have colorful mats to cue their place to sit in the circle.

4. Visual Schedule

Here is an example of using a visual schedule to help children transition between songs in class. In this video, you will also hear the teacher sing a thank you refrain, a brief sung phrase that praises the child for his positive helping behavior. Providing praise and positive attention for preferred behavior helps to reinforce that behavior and make it more likely for the child to demonstrate the positive behavior.

5. Rum Sum Sum

This song uses rhythm and gestures. You will note that children vary in how much they participate in given songs – some children like to do the hand gestures and singing while others prefer to watch. Throughout the program, the teacher and staff will help children participate at a comfortable level.

6. Movement Songs (Fire Truck)

This song uses large movement activities and provides opportunity to march around the room and engage in gestures, imitation, and pretend play.

7. Turn Taking Song (Flower Shop)

During the Flower Shop song, children practice waiting and taking turns. They also learn to use a choice board and visual props to help with making choices. Throughout the class program, we will introduce variations on this song for different activities. You can also see in the video how the teacher reinforces positive behavior by waiting until a child is sitting nicely on their mat before inviting them to take their turn.

8. Happy and You Know It

This well-known song may be familiar for your family. We will practice different versions of this song during class.

9. Book Reading/Singing (Brown Bear)

Each week in class, we will pair music with a book reading/singing activity. Brown Bear is one well-known book that you might have at home!

10. Lullaby (Twinkle)

Every week in class, the teacher will introduce different lullabies. Parents can sit with their child and rock them or provide soothing touch if appropriate. Some children may not want to cuddle every week and that is okay too.

11. Goodbye Song (See You Later Alligator)

We end music class with the Goodbye Song, saying goodbye to each of the students and families in class. Following this song, children will again have the opportunity to play with toys while the teacher speaks with the parents and helps them set goals to work on that week.